Denniston Data

August 2024 - Newsletter

The Top Three (news & notes) from DDI

  1. Product updates for Provider Ranking System (PRS)

This month PRS adds the latest CMS data, released on 6/4/24, undergoing QA and inclusion in PRS scoring these last two months.

We also completed a minor redesign based on client feedback, moving the most important elements to a Provider Profile & Insights tile, with dial-out (for scheduling) plus copy, export and share to member. Below is a screenshot-

Provider Profile and Insights Screenshot

2.  Product updates for Healthcare Pricing Guide (HPG)

In HPG, we added Zip filters, for regional or local price transparency data, plus average costs beside the percentile ranges, Percent of Medicare, and an option to turn off our ghost filter (to show all rates vs only verified rates).

We released v2.0 of the API, boosting performance, response time, and available request / response elements. Below is a screenshot of the UI-

Healthcare Pricing Guide Screenshot

Line level (payer-NPI) exports remain available from underlying MRFs, with DDI’s QA, quality rankings, Smart Scoring (weighing quality and price), plus insight for handling different negotiation types (percent of billed, per diem, etc.)

3.  Encore Webinar cast due to popular demand…

Webinar banner - Uncover MRF insights remove ghosts

As stakeholders leverage price transparency data, the presence of ‘ghost rates’ is creating a misleading picture of US healthcare costs. Released for the 3rd National Health Care Transparency and No Surprises Act Summit, we are rebroadcasting LIVE to review examples, implications, and methods to remove ghosts. Once filtered, we find wild variability in cost and quality, opening tremendous opportunity for stakeholders empowered with good data.

Don’t miss the final broadcast, 9/12/24 at 11:00 AM Central, space is limited.

Hosted by Phil LeFevre, VP of Business Development, with over two decades of experience in healthcare data analytics. Prior to joining DDI, Phil served as Managing Director for ODG and VP at MCG Health, successfully managing the merger of ODG into MCG following the 2017 acquisition by Hearst. 

Phil LeFevre
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