Denniston Data

Provider Rankings. Comprehensive. Objective. Real

How to Research a Doctor

The most important predictor of success for any type of medical procedure is how many of those procedures the provider has performed. Provider Ranking System (PRS) shows where every provider ranks for every healthcare service they perform. PRS is the only source of comprehensive, objective, non-biased data comparing U.S. medical providers, using a transparent methodology, revealing how every provider ranks on an annual basis, for every medical service they provide, along with cost information. PRS is the best way to research a doctor. 

Access to PRS is via single-user annual subscription with secure access through a unique, self-administered, login id and password. Single-user licensing is available for $489/year. Interested users can sign themselves up on the Web here. Enterprise or multi-user access is also available.

To be contacted regarding quantity discount pricing or a demo, or trial access for evaluation purposes, please call 760-846-4942 or submit a question through our Contact form.

Learn more here About Provider Ranking System, and how it results in Better information, Better choices, and Better health outcomes.

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