Denniston Data

From the Founders of Medical Device Register (MDR):

Provider Ranking System™

Medical Device Marketing - HCP Targeting by Medical Procedures

with the largest and most accurate data
available on medical providers
in the U.S.
Denniston Data Screenshots of the Provider Ranking System

Provider Ranking information based on actual experience data along with cost information for specific medical procedures.

Usage of Medical Equipment and Supplies is Dependent on the Drivers of that Usage – the TOP SURGEONS


According to Big Data Analytics in Healthcare:

Medical Device Market Share is Directly Dependent of the Volume of Procedures Performed

You need to analyze and understand patient claims as a way to pinpoint the population segments most likely to benefit from your device. The physicians performing the highest volumes of relevant diagnoses and procedures should be the first providers you look to for deeper insights into the market segments you’re targeting.

Medical Devices are dependent on relevant medical procedures. Target marketing relies on finding those high volume users. Not only will they result in more usage, but they will also likely be a Key Opinion Leader (KOL) for others.

Help your sales people get the best prospects.

The Denniston Data team includes medical experts, software engineers, and Web designers experienced with CMS data. We save our clients time in researching medical providers, and we help them do their job better in making decisions about medical providers. The medical providers covered include all doctors, therapists, and ancillary services.

Key Benefits Include

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Unconditional Guarantee: If for any reason you are not satisfied we will refund your payment for the remainder of your term.

Only $1000 for a full year access.

(Multi-User Discounts Available)

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Access to real data on over 1,000,000 providers.

Single User annual subscription only $1,000. Enterprise pricing available for organizations.